Know More About Steroid Medicine
What is all the fuss about steroids medicine? Steroid or steroidal drugs are chemical compounds that are given to promote the normal functioning of the human body. It is a widely used substance for the treatment of certain kinds of disorders like arthritis, muscular dystrophy and obesity. The question that arises is – what could be the possible side effects of these medicines?
The answer to this question varies from person to person. The basic things that affect the human body when we use steroids are the type of steroids used, duration of use and how it affects the body system. It is said that long-term usage of steroids can cause certain problems in the body like hair loss, mouth sores and shortness of breath. These are known as secondary affects of steroids medicine.
On the other hand, there are also certain cases where the direct effects of steroids are seen. Some of the side effects are liver damage, kidney damage and the development of cancer. These side effects occur due to the fact that certain steroids are made in the body and are excreted by the liver. But some steroids such as prednisone are excreted directly in the blood stream through the urine. So these are known as primary affects of steroids.
There are certain other ailments that can be associated with the use of steroids. Joint pain and swelling can be one of the consequences of steroid abuse. The other common consequence is depression and other psychological problems. The doctors will treat these conditions as acute problems.
Steroids medicines are prescribed only after certain tests are done to see if the patient is actually suffering from certain health disorders. For example, in the case of cancer, the doctor may also prescribe chemotherapy before giving the patient steroids. So it is important to consult the doctor first before you decide to use steroids.
It is important to know the side effects and complications of steroids medicines before using them. Also the doctor should be consulted about any kind of severe problem that may occur with the use of steroids. One should understand the side effect and benefits of the steroids medicine available. If you use steroids for a long period of time, it is possible that there may be some health issues related to the kidneys or heart.
Another serious side effect of steroids is liver failure. In this condition, the liver becomes unable to manufacture the protein that is used in producing insulin. It is therefore important to have an adequate intake of nutrients and water to prevent this from happening. So before using steroids, it is essential to have proper consultation with a doctor and find out more about the medicines available for the same.
However, all the side effects of steroids medicine are temporary and will disappear once the usage is stopped. Therefore you don’t have to worry much about the possible side effects. Sometime also, there are no side effects at all and the patient suffers from positive results. However, if the doctor orders for withdrawal of steroids, then it is advisable to do so. Withdrawal from steroids usually lasts for a week. Once the doctor says that you can stop the use of steroids, the symptoms should go away. You can get more information clenbuterol for sale.