JAMB has announced the registration and exam dates
As a prospective students that want to gain admission this year you will find this guide valuable. Mock holds April 20, 2022, while the UTME examination will hold on April 30, 20221. A soft copy of the currentJAMB 2022 Syllabusfor the examination. Candidates are advised to keep as private and confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, email addresses and ePINs. D) A video message from the Registrar of JAMB and a demo on how to use eight keys for the UTME examination without a mouse. C) Step by step guide on completion of the application form.
JAMB UTME 2022 Registration portal is open and candidates should ensure they register before the stipulated deadline. We will come to do that soon, for now let’s give you all the necessary information you need. The cost for 2022 Jamb form is the same at all registration center, it does not vary, so you won’t have one center registering at a cheaper cost and another registering at a higher cost.
This was first introduced in JAMB 2020 but was later canceled and Postponed to 2021 because the notice was not given earlier enough to the candidates. JAMB releases results in batches, therefore, if you see the ‘You Do Not Have Any Result Yet’ message, you need to check back later. Make sure you collect them before leaving the registration center. We will not permit any candidate will to sit the examination if his/her biometrics is not verified.
JAMB Exam Date 2022 will likely hold on February, 2020. The new date will be announced as soon as the registration form is out on the website, so therefore candidates should patiently for the date to be stated. Currently, the breakdown for the cost of the form will be analysed below for all UTME Applicants for JAMB 2022, who want to pick up the registration form for JAMB this year via
I have compiled the reasons many candidates fail to gain admission and what they should do. The some event might delay the exams a little but don’t panic as the board has stated it clearly that the exam will go on smoothly and won’t be affected. Are you confused or don’t know a lot about JAMB 2022? Ask us a question about that by commenting below or tell us what you think about JAMB Registration Form for next year by Sharing your opinion using the comment section down below. All candidates must create a JAMB profile before proceeding to get the ePIN from any JAMB assigned CBT center. A material containing all the Admission procedures and requirements of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria which also include the available programs of study in the institutions.
JAMB has announced the registration and exam dates; the registration will commence on 19th February, end on 26th March, while mock exam will take place on 16th April 2022. The UTME exam will hold from 20th April – 30th April 2022. You will also pay an additional seven hundred naira for Computer Based Test center charges and five hundred naira for recommended literature text.